Officer & BoG

Board of Governers and Committees 1999 / 2000

1. Officers and Board of Governors


PresidentDr. T. T. Chow
President-ElectMr. Edward Tsui
Hon. SecretaryMr. Victor Yiu
Hon. TreasurerDr. Raymond M. H. Yau
Immediate Past PresidentMr. Alan Y. W. Lam
Member, Board of GovernorsDr. Edwin Tao
Member, Board of GovernorsMr. C. O. Synn
Member, Board of GovernorsMr. Vincent Tse
Member, Board of GovernorsMr. Wong Wai Kwong

2. Working Committee


CommitteeMember (s)
AttendanceMr. W. K. Pau
Bylaws Review
Chapter ProgramsMr. Vicki W. K. Poon
China (Mainland) RelationsMr. C. F. Wong
CRC ActionDr. T. T. Chow
HistorianDr. Roger C. Y. Chu
Honors & AwardsDr. Philip C. H. Yu
Information Technology (IT)Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Institutions (HK) LiaisonMr. Alan Y. W. Lam
Membership PromotionMr. Tim Cheng
Publications & NewsletterMr. Rocks S. C. Li
PublicityMr. Wong Wai Kwong
RefrigerationMr. David S. H. Lam
Research PromotionMr. Leonard Chow
Student ActivitiesMr. T. K. Chan
TEGA (Technical, Energy and Government Activities)Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Young Members Committee

3. Student Branches


President of PolyU Student Branch (1999 / 2000)Mr. Patrick Ho Wai Chung
President of CityU Student Branch (1999 / 2000)

| 16 May, 2008 |


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